As a vital partner in our work, we encourage you to use our resources to help your clients develop impactful charitable gift strategies. We have a team of experienced charitable gift planners who can assist you in creating the best gift for your clients. Please also remember to notify us if your clients include MorseLife in their estate plans so that we can welcome them into our MorseLife Legacy Society. Finally, we also encourage you to contact the MorseLife Foundation office with any feedback about improving our partnership.

As a vital partner in our work, we encourage you to use our resources to help your clients develop impactful charitable gift strategies. Our team of experienced charitable gift planners is here to assist you in creating the best gifts for your clients.
Please also remember to notify us if your clients include MorseLife in their estate plans so that we can welcome them into our MorseLife Legacy Society. We welcome your feedback on how we can improve our partnership.
Legal organization name: MorseLife Health System, Inc.
Location: 4847 David S. Mack Drive West Palm Beach, FL 33417
Federal tax ID number: MorseLife Foundation, Inc. 59-2774476
Tax-Efficient Gifts:
- Stocks or Securities: Support a life-saving mission and avoid capital gains tax on the appreciation of your stock.
- Individual Retirement Account: Make a tax-free gift to MorseLife directly from your IRA with a qualified charitable distribution if you or a family member is 70½ or older. Distributions may be used to pay an existing pledge, make a designated or capital gift, or establish a permanent endowment for the program or service most meaningful to your client.
- Life Income Gifts: Earn income for yourself or beneficiaries with a Charitable Gift Annuity (CGA) or Charitable Remainder Trust (CRT) to benefit MorseLife.
Gifts by Will and Living Trusts
Types of Bequests:
- Cash Bequest: MorseLife receives a specific dollar amount from your estate.
- Bequest of Property: MorseLife receives specific assets, such as securities, real estate, or tangible personal property, such as works of art or antiques.
- Residuary Bequest: MorseLife receives all or a percentage of the remainder of your estate after the payment of bequests and expenses.
- Retirement Plan: MorseLife is designated as a beneficiary of the remainder of your IRA or qualified pension or profit-sharing plan.
Benefits of a Bequest:
- Federal Estate Tax Savings: An outright gift to MorseLife from your estate — whatever the amount and whether it is expendable or for endowment—is entirely free from federal estate taxes. MorseLife may use the total amount of the bequest. In comparison, if the funds were left to an individual, a significant amount might go to Federal estate taxes. Bequests also are not generally subject to state inheritance or estate taxes.
- Other Advantages of Bequests: Named funds bring the added value of visibility among the MorseLife community, encouraging others to give. You may create a fund named for yourself or in the name of someone you wish to honor
Future Use of Your Bequest
- Unrestricted Bequests: With the flexibility of unrestricted bequests, MorseLife Health System has the discretion to apply your gift to meet current needs or plan for the future.
- Restricted Bequests: Restricted bequests support ongoing specific MorseLife needs, such as services for Holocaust Survivors, Meals-On-Wheels, Home Health Care, Life Enhancement, Music & Memory, Nursing Academy, socialization, or maintaining our facilities.
- Endowed Funds: Endowment gifts are a meaningful way to demonstrate what was important to you during your lifetime by providing income every year in perpetuity to carry on the designated purpose of the gift while preserving its real value. Please consult a member of the MorseLife Foundation team regarding minimum amounts for named endowed funds.
- Expendable Funds: The entire gift may be spent, generally within a relatively short time frame.
Transferring securities and State of Israel Bonds: If you wish to transfer appreciated securities or State of Israel Bonds, please contact Denise Stengl for instructions. (561) 687-5748 or email
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