With your generous support, we can continue to provide career opportunities and elevate the skills of our nursing staff. Education ensures that the 3,600 seniors we serve daily receive the high-quality care they deserve.
MorseLife is committed to providing excellent, premier services and helps by improving the lives of employees by providing training and opportunity for growth. Although the need for well-trained nursing staff will continue to grow as our senior population grows, MorseLife has made clinical education and scholarships a priority program. Your support will help fund this program by helping to cover the cost of training for advanced certifications and ongoing skills to ensure our seniors receive high-quality care. The scholarships include the cost of supplies, training, state exam fees, and salaries while our staff is in training.
Bridging the Financial Gap to Certification
Becoming a CNA requires completion of courses, passing the exam, and obtaining a state license, in addition to the time commitment that makes full-time work difficult while studying for certification. MorseLife Nursing Education Scholarships fund the training, exam fees, books, supplies, and salary for the 120 work hours missed while nursing students are in school.
These scholarships provide vital education and a career path to underserved community members. In addition, they will help ensure we can recruit and train enough qualified nursing staff to care for our seniors. Baby Boomers are aging, and people are living longer. The number of Americans 65 and older will double from 46 million to 98 million over the next 40 years.
Without enough CNAs to keep up with rising demand each year, what will happen to thousands of older adults in Palm Beach County needing CNA care? Your generous donation to support Nursing Education Scholarships is an investment in the 3,600 seniors MorseLife Cares for every day.

Case Study: Kezia’s Story
“This scholarship opened the door to opportunities I would never have had. I was lucky to have MorseLife in my corner because I couldn’t have afforded tuition and exam fees or time off work to study.” Kezia is climbing the career ladder at MorseLife with increased pay and benefits. She arrived as an HHA and after a year of employment received a scholarship and became a CNA. Capable, well trained and motivated, she now oversees MorseLife’s PACE aides.
Case Study: Caring for Mr. L
“Everyone deserves someone to care for them when they can no longer care for themselves.” Mr. L’s family described his MorseLife CNA as “an angel by his bedside.” She cared for him with respect and compassion in rehab and hospice until the day he died. When we asked the aide what motivates her, she replied, “I love learning and caring for people.”
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